2-Day Certified CellHawk User - Basic

Become a CERTIFIED CellHawk user. Upon completion of an examination, students will be certified by both LeadsOnline and Hawks Consulting LLC as Basic users. Students will learn how to load records from the major carriers, leverage the analysis tools on the CellHawk platform to further your investigation, analyze Google Geofence records, map GPS data, and more.

All classes are held live online from 9am to 5pm Central time. Students will receive the materials approximately 7 days before the class.

Required equipment:

  • Laptop with Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Access to web browser
  • We strongly recommend the attendee have two monitors so they can watch the Zoom and use CellHawk

If there is a class that is full and you would like to be put on the waitlist, please click the button below to email us.