
Training at Hawks Consulting

According to industry analysts there are 16 cellular connected devices per household in the United States. Cellular phone records, device extractions, social media returns, and other electronic data have become as, if not more, important than DNA and ballistics in civil and criminal cases. Now more than ever it is imperative to understand what those records really mean. Incorrect analysis leads to wrongly implicating the innocent and wrongly excluding the guilty from an investigation. Our goal is to educate law enforcement and the private sector to ensure we keep our communities safe and maintain an even playing field with checks and balances. Courses are separated between law enforcement and non-law enforcement only to give students the comfort to freely ask questions without worry that another student will use it against them. Electronic records tell the story of a person or device, they are not “prosecution records” or “defense records” they simply are what they are.

Our primary instructors have over 68 years of law enforcement experience. Our Subject Matter Experts have testified for the prosecution, the defense, and in civil cases throughout the country. Come learn from the best.

2-Day Certified CellHawk User - Basic

Become a CERTIFIED CellHawk user. Upon completion of an examination, students will be certified by both LeadsOnline and Hawks Consulting LLC as Basic users. Students will learn how to load records from the major carriers, leverage the analysis tools on the CellHawk platform to further your investigation, analyze Google Geofence records, map GPS data, and more.

Digital Triad: Call Detail Records, Device Extractions, and Cloud Data

In today’s era, where our digital footprints are as telling as our physical ones, the art of cellular investigations has become paramount in weaving through the complex tapestry of digital evidence. We will delve into the multidimensional world of digital communication—where cell phone records from the carrier, data extracted from the handset, and data stores by applications in the cloud all interlace, creating a rich fabric of potential evidence. This class is geared toward attorneys and investigators.

Wiretap and Electronic Surveillance Investigation

“Wiretap investigations are hard and expensive” is the first thing that typically comes to mind when weighing your options on a case. This is true but, a suspect admitting guilt in their own voice is also the most powerful evidence you can put in front of a jury. State regulations vary but all are based on the Federal Title III wiretap statute. Demystify these investigations by learning how to initiate them, types of wire intercepts available, legal requirements, call detail records / social media record analysis, case management, documentation, and strategies to further your wire. A successful wiretap investigation will be presented as a case study.

IN PERSON - Wiretap and Electronic Surveillance Investigations- Law Enforcement Only

Pleasanton, CA
July 16-17, 2024

Learn how to initiate a wiretap and electronic surveillance investigation including: the types of wire intercepts available, legal requirements, using call detail records and social media returns to prove your target has the phone, case management and case stimulation strategies, affidavit considerations, suspect and witness interview considerations and how to document your evidence. A successful wire investigation will be used to provide a roadmap to success.


Let us know the details on your case.
We’ll let you know if it’s something we can help with. We look forward to hearing from you!

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