Digital Triad: Call Detail Records, Device Extractions, and Cloud Data

In today’s era, where our digital footprints are as telling as our physical ones, the art of cellular investigations has become paramount in weaving through the complex tapestry of digital evidence. We will delve into the multidimensional world of digital communication—where cell phone records from the carrier, data extracted from the handset, and data stores by applications in the cloud all interlace, creating a rich fabric of potential evidence.

Each digital investigation should aim to conclusively answer three simple questions – was the phone near the incident (and does it matter), was the phone in use at the critical times, and circumstantially, who had the phone. Even when a case seems open and shut on identity, failure to prove it at the onset can be disastrous when it goes to trial.

This one-day class will teach students a three-dimensional approach to cellular investigations. Please note that this class is geared toward attorneys and investigators. 

This in-person class will be held from 9am to 5pm at the following location:
DeKalb County District Attorney’s Office
One West Court Square,
Decatur GA, 30030

If there is a class that is full and you would like to be put on the waitlist, please click the button below to email us.